In the final Radio Winden, The Dark Three dive into some well sourced evidence for the potential presence of The Freemasons in Dark, finish an email started in their previous Radio Winden regarding the experience and flow of time, and tuck in for a lovely conversation that reminds them of earlier episodes, before saying thank you and goodbye to their email friends (only for the time being).

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Radio Winden – We Know We Know Nothing

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In the final Radio Winden, The Dark Three dive into some well sourced evidence for the potential presence of The Freemasons in Dark, finish an email started in their previous Radio Winden regarding the experience and flow of time, and tuck in for a lovely conversation that reminds them of earlier episodes, before saying thank you and goodbye to their email friends (only for the time being).
Cover art by Jhony Caballero @jhonyknight
Show notes:

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Rob Logan

Rob is a movie buff, computer whiz, gamer, huge Batman fan, and above all... a geek. In addition to being the Founder and Host of The Geek Generation, he is also a photographer, graphic designer, certified clinical hypnotherapist, a former professional wrestler, and a current superhero.

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  • Guten Tag,

    I happened across your Dark podcast as I was diving into my third viewing of the series and continued down the rabbit hole looking for more insight. Good stuff!

    In the off chance that nobody has yet posted about this observation, the letters in Winden are a near anagram for “Die Wen”, or “The Whenever”. The secret to this mysterious town was right under our noses from the very first episode. Sneaky, sneaky showrunners. Yet again 🙂

    I’m about halfway through your podcast and am excited to continue listening to see what other morsels you discuss, whether it be about expositions in Dark or another tangential tidbit that the series has helped open up for discussion.

  • Dark theory: OK so the theory is about religious prophecies, and how every relgioon has a prophecy that came to pass, OK, so whenever prophecy is made, it’s supposed to come true, but Christianity is the only religion to prophesied stuff that has came true, and Islam, religious Greeks and Hinduism has prophecies that came to pass, now here’s where the theory gets dark and the reason why I brought all that up is because you gotta connect the dots, because this theory you’re not gonna be able to research off the Internet this theory is based off of the search by getting the full picture by connecting all of the puzzle pieces together meaning all of the religions and learning about what they all Taught and what they all prophecied

    So the dark truth is that the Empire “AKA THE ancient government” AND GROUPS OF RELIGIOUS PEOPLE WERE LOOKING AND HUNTING DOWN PEOPLE WITH PSYCHIC ABILITIES, AND THEY KIDNAP THOSE PEOPLE AND HAVE THEM WRITE DOWN A FUTURE EVENT THAT THEY FORCED SAW, AND THEN THEY PUT THAT FUTURE EVENT THAT WAS TOLD BY THE PSYCHIC INTO THE RELIGION, SO THEY KIDNAPPED A PSYCHIC, MADE HIM WRITE DOWN WHAT HE SAW AND THAT’S LITERALLY HAVE A PROPHECIES CAME TO PASS, but here’s the thing that’s not the only reason for prophecies to come to pass, aliens. I’m pretty sure aliens. Also have a part to play in with this too, how do we know that the government did not kidnap psychics and aliens to foresee events??