Our staff answers THE QUESTION: With the Superman reboot announced, who would you like to see cast as the Man of Steel?

THE QUESTION: With the Superman reboot announced, who would you like to see cast as the Man of Steel?

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Rob: Being a big fan of Smallville, at this point I’d say they should just make the organic transition into having Tom Welling play Superman. He’s already been Clark Kent for nearly 9 seasons (soon 10) and he’s got it down pretty damn well. While he’s been “The Blur” recently, he could certainly step it up into the iconic realm of Supes. Having the right presence is the toughest part, and Brandon Routh just didn’t have it, Welling does.

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Doug: John Krasinski missed out on Captain America, why not give him a shot at Superman? I’d rather see something daring and unexpected (I mean, who thought Heath Ledger as the Joker was a good idea at first?) than another bland casting choice a la Brandon Routh. As for an actual prediction, I bet they’ll cast Eric Bana – he’s the right physical type and he’s mastered the old Christopher Reeve bland-with-a-hint-of-charm characterization.

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Bryan: At this point I’d say continue on from Smallville and have Tom Welling, but since it’s a reboot, I think you have to have a no name. Someone like Christopher Reeve or Brandon Routh. If you put an established celebrity in there it becomes a facade. Superman is Superman and it’s incredibly important casting.

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Dave: Jim Caviezel. He played Jesus, he can play the savior of Superman too. 😉

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Rob Logan

Rob is a movie buff, computer whiz, gamer, huge Batman fan, and above all... a geek. In addition to being the Founder and Host of The Geek Generation, he is also a photographer, graphic designer, certified clinical hypnotherapist, a former professional wrestler, and a current superhero.

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  • An unknown is the best way to go, for sure. Tom Welling would be the next best choice to an unknown (my choice as well.) Jim Caviezel, as far as I know, was in the running for ‘Superman Returns’ but Singer passed on him in favor of Routh feeling that Caviezel was too well known after starring in ‘The Passion of the Christ.’ John Krasinski and Eric Bana????? That’s a joke right? Ridiculous.