The Dark Three read thought-provoking emails that lead them to re-consider the hidden identities in the photo of the Sic Mundus group, and the potential meaning behind...
Category - Dark
The Dark Three check in with a quick update and a few comments.
The Dark Three read emails from three listeners and discuss the significance of blue eyes in Dark, a proposed metaphor behind the nuclear apocalypse, more thoughts on...
The Dark Three talk about Claudia Tiedemann—her intelligence, ability to learn and adapt, and dedication to her ultimate goal of saving her daughter, Regina. They posit...
The Dark Three read two emails regarding their latest episode and its monumental BRONG, including a letter from an astrophysicist, and an email from a longtime listener...
The Dark Three tackle the show's depiction of science and time travel, addressing the appearance of the Winden caves throughout the years and the show's various time...