Check out our Cosplay Spotlight of Echow Eko, a cosplayer from Indonesia.

echow eko cosplay 01Name:
Echow Eko


Links to cosplay website and social media:

Favorite/most popular costume(s) you wear:
Ventus from Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep

How long have you been cosplaying?
9 years

How did you get started in cosplay?
Love to read mangas and play games, go to conventions, and decided to cosplay.

Do you have any future costume plans?
Pegasus Seiya

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Are you a cosplayer that wants to be featured? Find out how by going here: Cosplay Spotlight Submission

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Rob Logan

Rob is a movie buff, computer whiz, gamer, huge Batman fan, and above all... a geek. In addition to being the Founder and Host of The Geek Generation, he is also a photographer, graphic designer, certified clinical hypnotherapist, a former professional wrestler, and a current superhero.

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